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Apartment Mix

Apartment mix refers to the percentage of apartments with different numbers of bedrooms in a development. The number of bedrooms is directly related to floor area which in turn determines the yield that can be generated on the site.

A mix of apartment types provides housing choice and supports equitable housing access. By accommodating a range of household types, apartment buildings support the needs of the community now and into the future. This is particularly important because apartment buildings form a significant and often long term part of the urban fabric.

The mix of apartments provided in a development should respond to the housing needs of the local area

A range of apartment types and sizes is provided to cater for different household types now and into the future.

Apartment mix that is reflected in the facade composition adds variety and visual interest 

The apartment mix is distributed to suitable locations within the building.

A variety of apartments can be accommodated within a floor plate 

Design Guidance
A variety of apartment types is provided. The apartment mix is appropriate, taking into consideration:
•  the distance to public transport, employment and education centres.
•  the current market demands and projected future demographic trends.
•  the demand for social and affordable housing.
•  different cultural and socioeconomic groups.
Flexible apartment configurations are provided to support diverse household types and stages of life including single person households, families, multi-generational families and group households.

Large apartments are often located on the ground or roof level due to opportunities for increased private open space. 
Internal common circulation (e.g. corridors) can be reduced by adding 'up and over' apartments to the mix

Flexible apartment configurations should be provided to 
support diverse household types and stages of life 

Design Guidance
Different apartment types are located to achieve successful facade composition and to optimise solar access (see figure a variety of apartments can be accommodated within a floor plate).
Larger apartment types are located on the ground or roof level where there is potential for more open space and on corners where more building frontage is available.

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