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Apartment Building Facades

The design of facades contributes greatly to the visual interest of the building and the character of the local area. Facades that face the street have an impact on the public domain, while side and rear facades often influence the amenity of neighbouring buildings and communal and private open spaces.

High quality facades are a balanced composition of building elements, textures, materials and colour selections. Well designed facades also reflect the use, internal layout and structure of an apartment building.

The composition and detailing of a facade is not only important to the appearance of the building, it also influences its perceived scale. The pattern and repetitions of the facade, the proportions and articulation of external walls and the detailed design of facade elements are all important considerations.

Thoughtful modulation of the facade reduces the perceived depth and bulk of a building

Building facades provide visual interest along the street while respecting the character of the local area.

Building facades should have an appropriate scale, rhythm and proportion relative to the streetscape 

Building functions are expressed by the facade.

Building articulation such as balconies and deeper window reveals provide visual interest to the facade

Design Guidance
Design solutions for front building facades may include:
•  a composition of varied building elements.
•  a defined base, middle and top of buildings.
•  revealing and concealing certain elements.
•  changes in texture, material, detail and colour to modify the prominence of elements.

Building services should be integrated within the overall facade.
Building facades should be well resolved with an appropriate scale and proportion to the streetscape and human scale. Design solutions may include:
•  well composed horizontal and vertical elements.
•  variation in floor heights to enhance the human scale.
•  elements that are proportional and arranged in patterns.
•  public artwork or treatments to exterior blank walls.
•  grouping of floors or elements such as balconies and windows on taller buildings.

Building facades relate to key datum lines of adjacent buildings through upper level setbacks, parapets, cornices, awnings or colonnade heights.
Shadow is created on the facade throughout the day with building articulation, balconies and deeper window reveals.

The terracotta tile cladding used on this building contrasts with the white framed balconies and roof line, adding visual interest

Changing facade materials, building articulation or height effectively highlights prominent corners 

Design Guidance
Building entries should be clearly defined.
Important corners are given visual prominence through a change in articulation, materials or colour, roof expression or changes in height.
The apartment layout should be expressed externally through facade features such as party walls and floor slabs.

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