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Landscape Design

Successful landscape design complements the existing natural and cultural features of a site and contributes to the building’s setting. Landscape design includes the planning, design, construction and maintenance of all external spaces.

Incorporating landscape design early in the design process provides optimal outcomes for residential apartments. It needs to be coordinated with other disciplines to ensure the building design and service locations complement the landscape and public domain.

Existing landscape features such as significant trees contribute 
to the overall quality of residential developments

Landscape design is viable and sustainable.

Landscape design should include plants endemic to the region, enhancing biodiversity and providing habitat for native wildlife

Landscape design contributes to the streetscape and amenity.

Landscape design should respond to the local context by using complementary materials and planting schemes 

Design Guidance
Landscape design should be environmentally sustainable and can enhance environmental performance by incorporating:
•  diverse and appropriate planting
•  bio-filtration gardens
•  appropriately planted shading trees
•  areas for residents to plant vegetables and herbs
•  composting
•  green roofs or walls
Ongoing maintenance plans should be prepared. Microclimate is enhanced by:
•  appropriately scaled trees near the eastern and western elevations for shade
•  a balance of evergreen and deciduous trees to provide shading in summer and sunlight access in winter.
•  shade structures such as pergolas for balconies and courtyards.
Tree and shrub selection considers size at maturity and the potential for roots to compete (see Table Recommended tree planting in deep soil zones ).

Recommended tree planting in deep soil zones

Shading trees improve the microclimate and are particularly effective along the eastern and western elevations of buildings

Where trees are retained, tree protection zones need to be established during construction to protect the canopy and roots

Design Guidance
Landscape design responds to the existing site conditions including:
•  changes of levels
•  views
•  significant landscape features including trees and rock outcrops
Significant landscape features should be protected by:
•  tree protection zones (see figure tree protection zones)
•  appropriate signage and fencing during construction
Plants selected should be endemic to the region and reflect the local ecology.

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