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Roof Design

The roof is an important element in the overall composition and design of a building. Quality roof design provides a positive addition to the character of an area and can form an important part of the skyline. Roofs also provide opportunities for open space where appropriate and can add to the sustainability performance of a building.

The Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 allows for architectural roof features that can exceed the maximum building height. This is an important tool for achieving high quality roof design and articulation.

Special roof features need to be proportionate to the overall building size, scale and form

Roof treatments are integrated into the building design and positively respond to the stree.

Design Guidance
Roof design relates to the street. Design solutions may include:
•  special roof features and strong corners.
•  use of skillion or very low pitch hipped roofs.
•  breaking down the massing of the roof by using smaller elements to avoid bulk.
•  using materials or a pitched form complementary to adjacent buildings.

Roof treatments should be integrated with the building design. Design solutions may include:
•  roof design proportionate to the overall building size, scale and form.
•  roof materials compliment the building.
•  service elements are integrated.

Architectural roof features and articulation are generally allowed to exceed the maximum statutory building height

Opportunities to use roof space for residential accommodation and open space are maximised.

Solar access to apartments can be maximised by tilting roof elements towards the north 

Roof design incorporates sustainability features.

Design Guidance
Habitable roof space should be provided with good levels of amenity. Design solutions may include:
•  penthouse apartments.
•  dormer or clerestory windows.
•  openable skylights.
Open space is provided on roof tops subject to acceptable visual and acoustic privacy, comfort levels, safety and security considerations.

The composition of this roof form creates a skyline silhouette and contributes to the identity and character of the area

The composition and contemporary design of this roof top level adds visual interest

This roof design creates an interesting view from street level, improves solar access and accentuates the built form rhythm 

Design Guidance
Roof design maximises solar access to apartments during winter and provides shade during summer. Design solutions may include:
•  the roof lifts to the north.
•  eaves and overhangs shade walls and windows from summer sun.
Skylights and ventilation systems should be integrated into the roof design.

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