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Water Management and Conservation

Water sensitive urban design is the integrated management of water in urban areas. It takes into account all of the elements of the urban water cycle including potable (drinking quality) water, rainwater, wastewater, stormwater and groundwater.

Best practice water management considers water measures at all stages of the project. This ranges from initial site planning measures that maximise deep soil areas for water infiltration to detailed building design that captures and recycles stormwater and wastewater for building services.

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) ensures that all new dwellings are designed to minimise potable water use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To support the requirements of BASIX there are a number of planning and design considerations that are relevant to apartment developments.

Streets and parks of larger developments should be designed to treat stormwater runoff and accommodate flooding events 

Potable water use is minimised.

Design Guidance
Water efficient fittings, appliances and wastewater reuse should be incorporated.
Apartments should be individually metered.
Rainwater should be collected, stored and reused on site.
Drought tolerant, low water use plants should be used within landscaped areas.

Stormwater quantities can be reduced and water quality increased by circulating rainwater through a connected water feature and wetland system

Urban stormwater is treated on site before being discharged to receiving waters.

Design Guidance
Water sensitive urban design systems are designed by a suitably qualified professional.
A number of the following design solutions are used:
•  runoff is collected from roofs and balconies in water tanks and plumbed into toilets, laundry and irrigation
•  porous and open paving materials is maximised
•  on site  stormwater and infiltration, including bio-retention systems such as rain gardens or street tree pits.

Water sensitive features are attractive elements able to effectively filter and reuse stormwater runoff

A bioretention garden improves water quality by using plants to treat roof and surface water runoff 

Flood management systems are integrated into site design.

Design Guidance
Detention tanks should be located under paved areas, driveways or in basement car parks
On large sites parks or open spaces are designed to provide temporary on site detention basins.

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