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Waste Management

The minimisation and effective management of domestic waste from apartments contributes to the visual and physical amenity of the building as well as limiting potentially harmful impacts on the environment.

Minimising waste is relevant to all stages of the building’s life cycle and also includes safe and convenient collection and storage of waste and recycling. Waste management should be considered early on in the design process.

Alternative waste disposal, such as composting, can be incorporated into the design of communal open space areas

Waste storage facilities are designed to minimise impacts on the streetscape, building entry and amenity of residents.

Common waste and recycling areas should be screened from view and well ventilated

This residential development incorporates compost bins and a community garden for residents 

Design Guidance
Adequately sized storage areas for rubbish bins should be located discreetly away from the front of the development or in the basement car park.
Waste and recycling storage areas should be well ventilated.
Circulation design allows bins to be easily manoeuvred between storage and collection points.
Temporary storage should be provided for large bulk items such as mattresses.
A waste management plan should be prepared.

Well designed, easily accessible and clean waste and recycling rooms 
improve the collection and management of household waste

Domestic waste is minimised by providing safe and convenient source separation and recycling.

Waste and recycling areas should allow for sufficient space to 
manoeuvre bins and sort waste for recycling

For taller developments, garbage chutes can be located on
floors to allow for convenient disposal of waste and recycling 

Design Guidance
All dwellings should have a waste and recycling cupboard or temporary storage area of sufficient size to hold two days worth of waste and recycling.
Communal waste and recycling rooms are in convenient and accessible locations related to each vertical core.
For mixed use developments, residential waste and recycling storage areas and access should be separate and secure from other uses.
Alternative waste disposal methods such as composting should be provided.

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