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Energy Efficiency

Passive environmental and energy efficient design is about the ability of an apartment to manage thermal performance (thermal comfort) and daylight access, providing increased amenity to occupants and reducing energy costs.
This section offers guidance on meeting BASIX sustainability requirements and other rating systems through better design practice. For additional design practice linked to passive environmental design and energy efficiency see sections Solar and daylight access, Natural ventilation and Apartment size and layout.

Shading trees and landscaping contribute to the energy efficiency of buildings 

Development incorporates passive environmental design
Design Guidance
Adequate natural light is provided to habitable rooms (see Solar and daylight access)
Well located, screened outdoor areas should be provided for clothes drying.

Example of shading devices that can be operated by the resident to manipulate the level of daylight and sun access 

Development incorporates passive solar design to optimise heat storage in winter and reduce heat transfer in summer.

Design Guidance
A number of the following design solutions are used:
•  the use of smart glass or other technologies on north and west elevations
•  thermal mass in the floors and walls of north facing rooms is maximised
•  polished concrete floors, tiles or timber rather than carpet
•  insulated roofs, walls and floors and seals on window and door openings
•  overhangs and shading devices such as awnings, blinds and screens
Provision of consolidated heating and cooling infrastructure should be located in a centralised location (e.g. the basement).

Thermal mass in floors and walls allow for heat storage in winter and reduced heat transfer in summer 

Adequate natural ventilation minimises the need for mechanical ventilation.

Grouping rooms with similar uses together creates different zones in an apartment, helping to optimise energy use 

Environmental technology, integrated into the overall design, adds to the sustainable performance of buildings

Design Guidance
A number of the following design solutions are used:
•  rooms with similar usage are grouped together
•  natural cross ventilation for apartments is optimised
•  natural ventilation is provided to all habitable rooms and as many non-habitable rooms, common areas and circulation spaces as possible.

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