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MICA Exemplifies a Creative and Contextually Responsive Medium-Density

Stewart Architecture is awarded for MICA in the Residential Architecture, Multiple Housing category. MICA exemplifies a creative and contextually responsive medium-density, mixed-use typology for suburban Canberra. As Canberra contemplates how to achieve density and infill within our older suburbs, this development provides an exemplary lead. The project builds upon meaningful responses to local community input, to the adjacent local shopping centre  and to the surrounding streets.

All architecture is ‘public’ to a greater or lesser extent and good architecture is that which gives more than it takes; is a lifter not a leaner. MICA carries its social responsibilities with assurance: in uses, in scale, in contribution to the public realm, in materiality and in architectural expression.

Stewart Architecture has formed an architectural language that is comfortable in the old-Canberra context of Campbell. A vernacular of hit and miss red brick and stone punctuated with modern materials and proportions. Integral to the innovation of the project is the central open circulation space which supports site permeability, resident interaction, light and ventilation as well as access and servicing. This development delivers a rich and enduring contribution to Canberra’s urban fabric and to future generations of occupants and neighbours. 

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