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Capital Boulevard Becoming a Visual and Physical Extension of The Legislature Grounds

108 Street, the street leading up to the Legislature building, has been transformed into a premiere address called Capital Boulevard. The vision is for the five city blocks of 108 Street (between 99 Ave and 104 Ave) to become a visual and physical extension of the Legislature grounds, extending into downtown Edmonton.

The boulevard acknowledges and celebrates Edmonton as the capital of Alberta. Capital Boulevard is one of the catalyst projects of the Capital City Downtown Plan and advances the goal of creating a vibrant, well designed, sustainable and accessible downtown.

The street features broad tree-lined sidewalks, enhanced road and sidewalk lighting, mid-block pedestrian crossings, high quality street furnishings and mid- street islands with plans for permanent art installations. The enhanced appearance and improved walkability contribute to making the downtown an attractive place for working, living, learning and visiting.

Project Information
Owner: City of Edmonton
Designer: City of Edmonton
Project Location: 108 Street

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