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Breezeway House Responds Ingeniously to Highly Coveted Sites

This family holiday house is situated in one of the quintessential small beachside towns of the Central Coast that are scattered along the eastern seaboard. Close enough to Sydney yet far enough to feel like a break, the cute beachside shacks which previously sat on large blocks are now long gone with their precious land sliced up to make the most of these highly coveted sites. 

Breezeway House responds ingeniously to this, creating a generous four-bedroom home-away-from-home for multiple families. The house twists and turns along its linear plan to savour of the views it’s afforded while maintaining its privacy from the surrounding built up sites.

Impeccably detailed and playfully resolved, there is a real sense that love and care have been taken to design and build this house, from the fastidiously crafted timber joinery down to the perfectly cut brick shelf to place found treasures from the nearby beach.

The long linear plan is suited perfectly to the constant comings and goings of holiday life, allowing the building to open and shut as needed, while celebrating each moment of the journey. Breezeway House is a holiday house that is light-hearted and fun; where detail, material and spatial experiences will surely invoke many fond memories in the years to come.

Project Information
Architect: David Boyle Architect
Photography: Brett Boardman

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