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The Confucius Museum is a Major Cultural Project in China

The Confucius Museum has a total construction area of 55,000m2, of which the exhibition area accounts for 15,000m2. It is a major cultural project with benchmark significance of the times in contemporary China. As the core figure of the Axial Age, Confucius and his thoughts have profound impact on Chinese civilization. The exhibition design of the Confucius Museum strives to fully display the essence of his thoughts. The project consists of one core axis, two major experience areas, and six thematic spaces for basic display. The six outstanding themed areas include the Era of Confucius, the Life of Confucius, the Sagely Wisdom of Confucius, Confucius and Chinese Civilisation, Confucius and Global Civilisation, and the collection of the Kong Family Mansion.

One design highlight is the striking Wisdom Exhibition Hall. Under the background of a beautifully unified oriental landscape, the stories gradually unfold one after another in the unique space, and the audience travels through the one-of-a-kind scenes to gradually deepen their understanding of  Confucius’  thoughts  and  wisdom.

The 2019 International Horticultural Exhibition in Beijing, China is the highest- level international horticultural exposition approved by the International Association of Horticultural Producers. Set under the theme ‘Live Green, Live Better,’ Expo 2019 Beijing is dedicated to the common desire for a truly beautiful green lifestyle and to helping humankind adapt to, respect and integrate into nature.  

Meanwhile, the theme also conveys the goal of fully implementing the scientific concept of development, accelerating the construction of a resource-saving and environmentally-friendly society, promoting the great development and prosperity of the world horticulture industry, and jointly building a vibrant, colourful and beautifully- designed homeland.        

The design of the entire China Pavilion takes “Life and growth in nature” as the concept, “Splendid China” as the imagery, horticultural plants as the carrier, and ecological humanities as the core, combining static display with dynamic interpretation. Features include physical flower art with virtual artistic conception, along with contemporary technology and traditional art.   

The design also uses poetic Chinese styles to express the spirit of Chinese ecological culture with emphasis on the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. This includes the display of lucid waters, lush mountains and horticultural masterpieces, whilst highlighting the achievements of contemporary ecological civilisation construction to present a culturally confident national image. 

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