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The LG House was Designed in Response to The Challenge of Building

Driven by a modernist design ethos of simplicity, volume and reticent materials, the LG House was designed in response to the challenge of building on an existing narrow lot. This affordable modern house was designed as a two-storey for optimal site use. The transparency of the front façade encourages ‘eyes on the street’ and active engagement with neighbours. The bright open plan effortlessly extends outdoors.

The development responds constructively and logically to its unique and challenging property size; from the neighbouring site conditions, to the existing mature vegetation, the streetscape and to the community as a whole. Completed in 2011 it became an impetus for discussion and bylaw updates in support of the city’s infill development initiative of narrow sites – by increasing affordability and density in order to retain inner-core neighbourhood schools while making efficient use of existing infrastructure and community facilities. 

To maintain affordability, materials incorporated in the project consisted of standard building materials which were applied in a unique manner. The narrowness of the structure is ideal to minimize energy consumption through passive design. Rooms capture sunlight due to the design’s east-west orientation.

Solar angles, placement of windows, the direction of the prevailing breezes and cross and stack ventilation worked to maintain a comfortable natural indoor climate. The second floor plan is flexible to meet future needs of the family without expensive retrofits. This means a long-term commitment to the neighbourhood and lasting investment in a family dwelling that will be appreciated for a lifetime. 

Project Information
Developer: Louise and Giselle Pereira
Designer: Thirdstone Inc.
Project Location: 10531 133 Street

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