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Recreating a Strong Visual Impression as well as to Fulill Missing Elements

LaeKhon NonBai is a small hotel located at the central part of the Nakhon Si Thammarat, one of the most ancient cities on the south- ern part of Thailand. The initiative of the project is to revitalise the building. The intention of the architect is to recreate a strong visual impression as well as to fulfill missing elements, such as a com- mon area, without any change to the base structural design. The aesthetic of the building is created without any ornamentation, but only by organising the existing elements and re-coding the remaining finishings.  

The semi-transparent façade not only forms the exterior vis- ual aesthetic of the building, but also to afect the interior spaces within the building. Through the pattern of the façade, ventilation and natural light penetrates easily through to the spaces within, and the variation of shadow and light efects throughout the day creates a sense of vibrancy to the interior.  One of the most important constraints for redesigning the look of this five-storey building which is sited on a rectangular plot of land surrounded by shophouses and apartments is to reduce the sense of solidity. To achieve this, materiality and as- sembly of elements help to distract the attention away from the existing structure. 

By combining a few basic construction materi- als, including round bar steel curtains with brick and wood, a new characteristic of the building is created. This simple and straight- forward façade is achieved by only using a few localised materials. The ‘pixelated’ efect of the façade helps to create depth and pro- vide for an interesting silhouette to the buildings.  Every part and detail of the building is delicately designed for both the interior and exterior in order to maintain the unity of the whole building. The building consists of 20 guest rooms with the ground floor serving as the lobby.  The cityscape and the Phra Mhathat temple, an important temple of the city, can be seen from the fifth floor of the hotel. 

Project Information
Project Name: LaeKhon NonBai Hotel
Architect: Jun Sekino, Thailand 
Location: Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand

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