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Mill Woods Park Pavilion is Designed as a Simple Horizontal Object

The Mill Woods Park Pavilion is located in the Mill Woods Sport Park and serves adjacent playing fields. The program includes team change rooms, officials change rooms, public washrooms, a concession area, and sports equipment storage.The project requirements were identified in the Mill Woods Sports Site Master Plan (2008) and the design is a continuation of the proposal that was awarded through the City of Edmonton Park Pavilion Architectural Design Competition.

The pavilion is designed as a simple horizontal object within the prairie landscape. The white finishes of the interior contrasts the dark grey exterior, complementing the simple graphic silhouette of the building. Highly-durable finishes were selected, such as exterior brick cladding, concrete block interior walls, and exposed concrete floors.

Large expanses of floor-to-ceiling windows in the public area encourages a safe environment through transparency, and make the building feel larger than it actually is. A roof overhang and metal sunshade filters the amount of direct sunlight entering the public area through the south-facing windows. The sunshade consists of a series of metal fins rotated at varying angles, which reflect light in different shades and create dynamic shadows inside the pavilion throughout the day.

The Mill Woods Park Pavilion provides an inclusive, inviting and flexible facility that meets the expanding needs of the park and acts as a community focal point for the area.

Project Information
Owner: City of Edmonton
Architect: Dub Architects
Project Location: 7008 23 Avenue

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