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Baoshan Long Beach is a One-Of-A-Kind Waterfront Community

Located in The Baoshan district of Shanghai, Baoshan Long Beach is a one-of-a-kind waterfront community situated at the mouth of the Yangtse Jiang, China’s longest river. From the completion of China’s first railway to the establishment of BaoSteel – China’s largest modern iron-steel enterprise, Baoshan has grown into an eye-catching, key supporting point in Shanghai’s economic development.

A redevelopment of former container shipping facilities, Baoshan Long Beach creates several residentially-led, mixed-use neighbourhoods that are interspersed with generous parks – all arranged along a two-kilometre riverfront esplanade that hosts shops, services, cafes, and restaurants. Baoshan Long Beach combines the density, energy, and liveliness of a city with the tranquillity and expansiveness of green parklands and sweeping water vistas – capturing both views of Shanghai’s iconic CBD skyline to the south and the broad Yangtze River to the north.

The project commenced with the development of a master plan encompassing the 78-hectare waterfront site. The master plan phase was conducted as an international competition. Upon winning, Perkins Eastman was then commissioned by Shanghai International Port Group and Franshion Properties to provide architectural and landscape design services for two of the mega blocks: Block B5 and Block B4, East Park and West Park, and the Long Beach Esplanade.

Perkins Eastman works closely with clients and collaborators to identify mutual goals, build trusting relationships, and discover solutions for any scale. Whether the company envisions a branded workplace, a new state- of-the-art hospital or school, or a citywide masterplan, they engage in an integrated design process, always keeping people at the heart of what they do.

The design of Baoshan Long Beach is precedent-setting in that it introduces the principle of Wei He planning. The term ‘Wei He’ means to wrap around, creating space in the centre. This type of space arrangement is very different from traditional Chinese developments, which feature equally spaced buildings with their primary facades largely facing south.

The unique application of Wei He street walls achieves the creation of multiple residential courtyards within the B5 mega- block. From an internal point of view, these courtyards break down the daunting scale of the mega-block, forming smaller, more intimately scaled, and more private residential enclaves. The individual courtyards also promote separate identities and a sense of exclusivity for each enclave. The eye-catching courtyards also provide secure play areas for children, and offer spaces for residents to enjoy their activities.

Key residential design features include an east/west apartment typology in order to fully capture direct park views. These apartment buildings also feature exemplary ventilation, as well as a more intimate private entry system which provides access to only two units per floor. Narrower floor plates have been introduced to enhance daylight penetration. Wrap-around corner living rooms and master bedrooms maximise southern views to Shanghai’s CBD skyline as well as direct solar access, while beautiful northern views capture the broad sweep of the Yangtze River and the stunning Long Beach Esplanade. At the top of the high-rise towers, at their narrow east and west facades, urban windows establish a distinctive signature look for the project.

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