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Universal Design

Universal design is an international design philosophy that enables people to continue living in the same home by ensuring that apartments are able to change with the needs of the occupants. Universally designed apartments are safer and easier to enter, move around and live in. They benefit all members of the community, from young families to older people, their visitors, as well as those with permanent or temporary disabilities.

Incorporating universal design principles in apartment design is a step towards producing a robust, flexible housing stock. It ensures that simple and practical design features are incorporated into new buildings that would be difficult and costly to retrofit at a later date.

Universal design is different to adaptable housing which is governed by Australian Standard AS 4299-1995. Adaptable Housing and is specifically designed to allow for the future adaptation of a dwelling to accommodate the occupant’s needs.

In addition flexible apartment design is also desirable to allow buildings to accommodate a diverse range of lifestyle needs such as different household structures, live/work housing arrangements and future changes in use.

A universally designed apartment provides design features such as wider circulation spaces, reinforced bathroom walls and easy to reach and operate fixtures

Universal design features are included in apartment design to promote flexible housing for all community members.

Design Guidance
Developments achieve a benchmark of 20% of the total apartments incorporating the Livable Housing Guideline's silver level universal design features.

Wide and barrier free entries and common circulation spaces help accessibility

A variety of apartments with adaptable designs are provided.

Design Guidance
Adaptable housing should be provided in accordance with the relevant council policy.
Design solutions for adaptable apartments include:
•  convenient access to communal and public areas
•  high level of solar access
•  minimal structural change and residential amenity loss when adapted
•  larger car parking spaces for accessibility
•  parking titled separately from apartments or shared car parking arrangements.

Level threshold transitions eliminate trip hazards 

Apartment layouts are flexible and accommodate a range of  lifestyle needs.

Design Guidance
Apartment design incorporates flexible design solutions which may include:
•  rooms with multiple functions
•  dual master bedroom apartments with separate bathrooms
•  larger apartments with various living space options
•  open plan ‘loft’ style apartments with only a fixed kitchen, laundry and bathroom.

A flexible dual key apartment design allows for a variety of configurations including home office or separate tenancy    

Note: dual key apartments which are separate but on the same title are regarded as two sole occupancy units for the purposes of the BCA and for calculating dwelling mix.

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