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Storage in Apartment

Adequate storage is an important component of apartment design. It is calculated by volume as opposed to floor area and should be provided proportionally to the size of the apartment.

Areas in car parks provide an opportunity to incorporate secure and convenient storage facilities for residents 

Adequate, well designed storage is provided in each apartment.

Design Criteria
1. In addition to storage in kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, the following storage is provided:

At least 50% of the required storage is to be located within the apartment.

Design Guidance
Storage is accessible from either circulation or living areas.
Storage provided on balconies (in addition to the minimum balcony size) is integrated into the balcony design, weather proof and screened from view from the street.
Left over space such as under stairs is used for storage.

Storage within an apartment needs to be convenient and accessible from circulation or living areas

Additional storage is conveniently located, accessible and nominated for individual apartments.

Storage located on private balconies or within courtyards should be fully integrated and screened from view 

Design Guidance
Storage not located in apartments is secure and clearly allocated to specific apartments.
Storage is provided for larger and less frequently accessed items.
Storage space in internal or basement car parks is provided at the rear or side of car spaces or in cages so that allocated car parking remains accessible.
If communal storage rooms are provided they should be accessible from common circulation areas of the building.
Storage not located in an apartment is integrated into the overall building design and is not visible from the public domain.

Part 4 Designing The Building

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