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Building Height of Apartment

Building height helps shape the desired future character of a place relative to its setting and topography. It defines the proportion and scale of streets and public spaces and has a relationship to the physical and visual amenity of both the public and private realms. Height controls should be informed by decisions about daylight and solar access, roof design and use, wind protection, residential amenity and in response to landform and heritage.

The total height of a building informs the number of storeys
possible in a development. Floor to floor heights vary 
depending on the use e.g. shops and offices are typically higher 
than residential apartments 

Building height controls in a development control plan should reflect the existing or desired future character of an area. Height controls may need to step or change within a site while still being within the maximum set in the local environmental plan. This diagram shows how the height of proposed buildings responds to the lower and higher densities along each street frontage 


•  building height controls ensure development responds to the desired future scale and character of the street and local area
•  building height controls consider the height of existing buildings that are unlikely to change (for example a heritage item or strata subdivided building)
•  adequate daylight and solar access is facilitated to apartments, common open space, adjoining properties and the public domain
•  changes in landform are accommodated
•  building height controls promote articulated roof design and roof top communal open spaces, where appropriate.

Considerations in Setting Height Controls

Set building heights by adding together the floor to ceiling heights for the desired number of storeys. Add 0.4m per floor for structure, services, set downs and finishes. Add 1m to the total to allow for rooftop articulation. Add 2m to the total to allow for topographic changes where required. Provide additional height in flood prone areas.

Building height in renewal areas should reflect the 
desired future character of the streetscape

Develop site-specific building envelopes and heights within a development control plan for large or complex sites such as those on steep slopes and those with changing topography. These specific heights need to be achievable within the building height set in the LEP.

        On steep slopes across sites, a varied height control can be applied that steps down towards the lower level of the site and helps create useful residential floor plates (12-18m) addressing the street 

Ensure that building height controls respond to the desired number of storeys, the minimum floor to floor heights required for future building uses and include generous ground floor heights.
Ensure the maximum building height allows for articulated roof planes and building services or that architectural roof features are enabled by the LEP.
Where rooftop communal open space is desired, ensure adequate maximum height is provided and consider secondary height controls for lift/stair access and shade structures.
Where a floor space ratio control is defined, test height controls against the FSR to ensure a good fit.
It may be appropriate to determine heights by relating them to site-specific features such as cliff  lines or heritage items. This may include:
•  defining an overall height or street wall heights to key datum lines, such as eaves, parapets, cornices or spires
•  aligning floor to floor heights of new development with existing built form
Consider secondary height controls to transition built form, for example:
•  a street wall height to define the scale and enclosure of the street
•  a step down in building height at the boundary between two height zones
The Building Code of Australia has certain requirements based on the effective height of a building.When setting height controls, consider these thresholds as it can have an impact on the feasibility of a development. Applicants should be able to design a building to the maximum height while achieving an economically viable development.

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